Let's turn that charm into your Online Presence

Are you a brand? Because every time I look at you, I smile.

Reserve My Ticket

 Content Date Day

Join us for an in person experience designed for your business to get the pampering it deserves. 

Complete with catered breakfast & lunch, business strategy intensive, social media education, content exercises, branded photoshoot, and other special surprises. 

Is your brand an interior decorator? Because when I saw it, the entire room became beautiful.

A date day, but for your brand's online presence.

Reserve my Ticket

35932 US-63,
Excello, MO 65247


9:00 AM
- 4:00 PM



Wednesday, February
7th 2024

You're invited to

Like your business is last on the to do list? Sometimes your brand can feel like a silent figure in a crowded digital ballroom. Overlooked and unheard.

As business owners, we are constantly focusing on our clients that we often put ourselves on the back burner. It's time to get your spark back with your business. 

Content Date Day is here for all who are ready to fall in love with their brand again.

We'll unveil the secrets of weaving your unique story through your brand creating an experience that turns heads and sticks in the heart of all who encounter it


Do you ever feel like you're


You can't pour into your audience from an empty cup.

Owning a brand is like hosting the most 

...of all time for a room full of your dream clients. 

Think back to one of those parties. You know the one. It came to your mind as soon as we described it. 

Inside Content Date Day, we will teach you how to host with impact so that you always leave a lasting impression with your content and live more heart centered.

Content Date Day is about getting the flame back with your brand.

We will focus on pampering ourselves, reconnecting with our hearts, refining our movement, building a branded content library, then teaching you how to use it strategically. 

At this event, you will learn how to fill your cup first. 

Memorable Party

Attend the event >>

Our photographer will capture your brand's best side, leaving you with visuals that make hearts skip a beat.

Let's make your brand the kind of profile they'd swipe right on. 😏

What's on the agenda?

 Our day is packed with activities designed to seduce your audience:

They say the way to a person's heart is through their stomach, right? Enjoy meals that are almost as delightful as your brand.

Catered Breakfast & Lunch

Like Cupid's arrows, our speakers will hit the mark, providing insights and strategies to make your brand irresistibly attractive.


BRAND Photoshoot

We'll play matchmaker between your ideas and execution. These exercises aren't just about finding 'The One' idea, but a whole soulmate strategy to make the biggest impact. 


Is your brand a camera? Because every time I see it, I smile.

Reserve my $750 Ticket

Confidence to strut your brand on any digital runway.

you'll LEAVE WITH:


Are you a keyboard? Because you're just my type.

This is for the business owner who has been putting themselves & their brand on the back burner for a little while.

The business owner who needs to get back to herself and fill her own cup. The one who needs to get her spark back.

A deeper love and understanding of your brand.

Strategies that will make your competitors jealous.

Content that will make your audience fall head over heels.

Photos that capture the essence of your 'brand romance'.

Why Attend?

Your brand has to arouse all the senses

Got  questions?

How do I know if Content Date Day is for me?

Content day is for you if you've been feeling uninspired in your business, know your mission but don't know how to call other's to it, busy putting your client's first and forgetting about your own business. 

Got  questions?

Is there a limit as to how many people can attend?

Limited to an exclusive group of 15 to keep things intimate and impactful.

Got  questions?

Do I need to come prepared with anything?

Come prepared with...
- 2 branded outfits & be photoshoot ready. 
- any branded props that you want included in your shoot.  
- a fully charged phone to get all your content. 
- an open heart & mind.  

Got  questions?

Is there a dress code?

The dress code is whatever is branded to you.

If you need outfit assistance, contact Marisa! 

For example: Marisa will likely be wearing pink because it's her signature color. And Halle will likely be wearing a simple black blazer because she values elevated minimalism. 

Special Features:

We will teach you how to post with impact. Engage your audience with a charm and wit that's hard to forget.

Socail Media Power Hour

Your brand must be a time traveler, because it's years ahead of its competition.

Content Collection

Like a first date, but this one has way more productive & profitable outcomes.

Brand Strategy Sesh


This shoot is designed to fill your content library. We're focused on sharing your unique personality through images that will never be forgotten. 

Learn how to make the most out of your content. Make your brand the love story your audience can't stop following.

Where Brand Owners Fill Their Cup First

Let's create a love story with your brand that's worth telling over and over...

"Is your brand tired? Because it's been running through our mind all day planning for this event."

Halle Jenkins Creatives

Is your brand an interior decorator? Because when I saw it, the entire room became beautiful.

Join us for one payment of:
